2022 Induction Officers

President: Joyce Colclough
Vice President: Sheri Renner
Secretary: Rose Jaeger
Treasurer: JoAnn R
Director: Karen Duryea

Induction Officers
Induction Officers
Induction Officers
Induction Officers
Induction Officers
Induction Officers

SIS Members @ 2022 Induction of Officers Meeting.

Perkins Restaurant
Spokane, WA

Induction Officers

SIS Member Glorida Penafor Donates Assortment of Children's Hats to Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. Vanessa Behan's mission is to provide safety for children and to strengthen families, which will create a healthier community in an environment of unconditional love. For more formation on Vanessa Behan please visit their website at Pictured L-R: SIS member, Gloria Penaflor, and Tiffany, Vanessa Behan House Manager. Special thanks to Gloria and all at Vanessa Behan, for all that you do.

Gloria Donation

Members of SIS have been very busy. Here is a photo from the Medical Lake Founders Day Fair (6/18/2022). SIS had the pleasure of sharing some of their handmade goods. It was great meeting so many and raising funds for the club. Thank you to all who stopped by our table. Extra special thanks to all who purchased a plant, apron , card, and or jewelry.

Gloria Donation


Members of SIS have been very busy. At their March meeting, SIS members collected diapers and baby wipes for donation to the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery.

At their March meeting, SIS members collected diapers and baby wipes for donation to the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery.

Congratulations! Photo (top): SIS President Suzanne Bettinger presenting the Live Your Dream Award to Michelle.
Photo (bottom): SIS club members with Michelle and her family.

SIS President Suzanne Bettinger presenting the Live Your Dream Award to Michelle

An Evening of Giving for Dreams

SIS President Suzanne Bettinger presenting the Live Your Dream Award to Michelle

SIS front and center at GirlCon. In collaboration with Girl Scouts, SIS presented Dream It Be it at Girl Con.

In collaboration with Girl Scouts, SIS presented Dream It Be it at Girl Con. In collaboration with Girl Scouts, SIS presented Dream It Be it at Girl Con.

March 4, 2024! SIS CELEBRATES 98 YEARS!!!

SIS Celebrates 98 years!



Make & Take Holiday Centerpiece Event

Members of SIS have been very busy.

SIS President Suzanne Bettinger hands off club donation of women’s socks and underwear to YWCA Women’s Opportunity Center for Our Sisters Closet.

SIS President Suzanne Bettinger hands off club donation of women’s socks and underwear to YWCA Women’s Opportunity Center for Our Sisters Closet.

November monthly SIS meeting guest speaker:

Bonni Cockburn: Director of Philanthropy for Women and Children’s Free Restaurant.

SIS Celebrates 98 years!

“Off to the Races” at the 2023 District 3 Meeting at the Wild Horse Casino in Pendleton, OR.

SI Spokane club member and Northwestern Region Treasurer, Becky McGinty accepting SIS Club award on behalf of President Suzanne Bettinger.

SI Spokane club member and Northwestern Region Treasurer, Becky McGinty accepting SIS Club award on behalf of President Suzanne Bettinger.

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© 2020-2025 Soroptimist International of Spokane. SIS is a 501(c)3 Organization